Image for DOT Pull-the-Dot Socket 92-XB-18201--1C Government Black Brass Ring 100-pk
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DOT Pull-the-Dot Socket
Government Black Brass Ring 92-XB-18201--1C (100 pack)

Item # 230452

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Pull-the-DOT socket # 92-XB-18201-1C is available in a 100-pack. Made from durable brass with a black finish, this socket will hold firmly. Applications include boat covers, boat seats, gear bags, luggage, outdoor fabric, tents, awnings, and more. Round out your collection of performance upholstery supplies with heavy-duty DOT sockets. Browse supplies in our hardware section for all the coinciding nuts and bolts.

Pull-the-DOT fasteners are side-locking snap fasteners, similar to the DOT® Durable™ Glove-style fasteners, with the exception of their built-in locking function. This fastener will withstand maximum pressure on three sides without opening, but will release immediately on the fourth side if one pulls the dot stamped on one side of the button. Pull-The-DOTs have no sharp sides or projections to tarnish or rip the fabric.

Scovill's DOT product line has delivered durability and quality for more than 100 years. All DOT fasteners are manufactured in the USA.

Product Note: Since the socket opens only on one side, caution must be taken that the button and socket are installed to assure that the fastener opens at the preferred placement.

Trademark: DOT® and Pull-The-Dot® are registered trademarks of Scovill Fasteners, Inc. Durable™ is a trademark of Scovill Fasteners, Inc.

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Government Black